Republican River Pre-Processor (rrpp)

The Republican River Pre-Processor (rrpp) program was developed to produce pumping and recharge input files for MODFLOW-2000. The program reads cell by cell pumping, recharge and acreage estimates for each state and accumulates these values to produce a single pumping and recharge estimate. The program also calculates basin wide precipitation recharge. The program can selectively suppress pumping and recharge in one state for impact analysis.

The rrpp program reads a parameter file that contains instructions as to which files to read and write and which calculations to be performed. The program is typically run five times to calculate

  1. historical conditions,
  2. no Colorado pumping,
  3. no Kansas pumping impact run,
  4. no Nebraska pumping impact run, and
  5. the no Nebraska mound impact run.
The rrpp parameter files for the year 2002 would typically be called 2000.par for the historical run, 2000a.par for no Colorado pumping, 2000b.par for no Kansas pumping, 2000c.par for no Nebraska pumping and 2000d.par for no Nebraska mound.

The instructions in the parameter file can appear in any order. The following table lists the instructions that may appear in the parameter file.

FILE Directory PrecipExt AcreageExt RechargeExt Specify the directory and file name extensions for precipitation output files
DIR Colorado Kansas Nebraska Specify the directories from which to read state by state pumping, recharge and acreage
BIN Read files in binary
RECHARGE RechargeFile | PrecipFile GroundwaterFile SurfacewaterFile CanalFile Set output file name of recharge file(s)
WELL WellFile Set well output file name
NOPUMP State Simulate no pumping for a state
MOUND MoundFlagFile Simulate no surface water imports over the indicated area
APPEND APPEND recharge and pumping output to existing files
STEADY StartYear EndYear SteadyStateFactor Specify the start and ending year for steady state period, and steady state precipitation recharge factor
TRANSIENT StartYear EndYear Specify the start and ending year for transient period
IBOUND file Specify file defining the active model domain
STATIONS LocationFile PrecipitationFile Drift Define the precipitation station locations and amounts
SOIL SoilFlagFile Define the dominant soil type for each cell
FUNCTION OutputFile SplineType Define precipitation recharge functions
TERRAIN TerainFlagsFile TerrainMultiplierFile TerrainPlotFile [LIMIT min max] Define spatial multiplier
BUDGET FlagFile Define a budget zones for precipitation recharge
MONTH ListOfMonthlyPrecipitationFactors Define factors to distribute annual precipitation to individual months
XFACTOR Year Filename Define the X-factor

Principles of Operation

The rrpp program integrates pumping and recharge data to be used by MODFLOW-2000 to calculate water levels and stream flows, and impacts to water levels and stream flows.

Annual precipitation data from a set of precipitation stations are kriged to produce a cell by cell estimate of precipitation. Recharge from precipitation is then calculated for each cell based on a precipitation recharge curve for the soil type within the cell. For each soil type, there is an irrigated and non-irrigated curve, which is applied proportionally to the amount of irrigated acres in each cell. The precipitation recharge amount is then adjusted by the spatial factor to produce the annual precipitation recharge. The annual precipitation recharge is then distributed to months using the factors specified on the MONTH command.

Recharge from groundwater and surface water applications and canal leakage are read from the state cell by cell recharge files on a monthly basis. These recharges are then added to the precipitation recharge for output in a single recharge file or saved in individual recharge files.

Annual M&I pumping is read from state M&I pumping files and uniformly distributed to individual months. Monthly agricultural pumping is then read from the state files and added to the M&I pumping.

Commingled irrigation is broken into a surface water and groundwater component by pre-processing programs. The groundwater pumping and return flow component appears just like groundwater exclusive pumping and return flow. The surface water return flow component appears just like surface water exclusive return flow. However, where the groundwater acres and surface water acres for exclusively groundwater or exclusively surface water irrigated acreage, a separate commingled acreage file appears.

In order to evaluate the impacts of pumping in each state, the NOPUMP command is used to suppress pumping in a particular state. When the NOPUMP condition is simulated, all M&I pumping, agricultural pumping and associated groundwater return flows for that state are set to zero. In addition, groundwater irrigated acres for that state is set to zero in the precipitation recharge calculation. For commingled lands, the groundwater pumping and return flow components are set to zero, but the irrigated acres in the precipitation recharge calculation does not change because the surface water component is still active.

In order to evaluate the impacts of surface water imports in the Nebraska mound area, the MOUND command is used to suppress surface water return flows and canal leakage in the area indicated by the mound flag file. When this command is included, all surface water return flows and canal leakage in the flagged area are set to zero. In addition, all surface water acreage in the precipitation recharge calculation is set to zero. For commingled lands, the surface water return flow component is set to zero, but the irrigated acres in the precipitation recharge calculation does not change because the groundwater component is still active.

The STEADY command was used during model calibration to estimate pre-development steady state recharge. The years 1918 to 1940 were selected from the period of record as representative of the long term precipitation pattern, and annual precipitation recharge calculated for each year assuming the complete absence of irrigation. This recharge was averaged and then further adjusted using the steady state multiplier of 0.75 to set the precipitation recharge for the pre-development steady state. A steady state stress period is generated at the beginning of the run when the STEADY command is added.

The TRANSIENT command is used to generate a transient simulation of twelve stress periods per year based on calendar years.

Command Reference

FILE Directory PrecipExt AcreageExt RechargeExt

The FILE command is used to set the output file directory and file extensions for saving precipitation recharge calculation files. The files are only used for diagnostic purposes, so the FILE command is optional and the name of the subdirectory and file name extensions are not important. Without a FILE command, no precipitation recharge calculation files are saved.

The FILE command must be followed by a subdirectory name. All output files will be saved in this subdirectory. The subdirectory name ppt is typically used. The subdirectory name must be followed by the file name extensions to be used for the cell by cell precipitation file (typically ppt), the cell by cell irrigated acreage file (typically irr) and the cell by cell precipitation recharge file (typically rcp).

When the FILE command is used, the cell by cell precipitation distribution generated for each year will be saved in a file dir/yyyy.ppt in units of inches. The cell by cell groundwater exclusive plus surface water exclusive plus commingled irrigated acreage for each year will be saved in a file dir/yyyy.irr in units of acres. Note that when the run simulates suppressing of pumping in a state or the mound area, this will be reflected in the irrigated acreage file.

The cell by cell annual precipitation recharge in inches is saved in the file dir/yyyy.ppt. This file reflects the result of all the precipitation recharge calculations, including the no pumping and mound options.

In the simulations from 2001 and beyond, the FILE command is used only for the historical run, and not the impact runs.

DIR Colorado Kansas Nebraska

The DIR command is used to specify the directories in which the state pumping, recharge and acreage files are located. The DIR command must be followed by three subdirectory names, corresponding to Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, respectively.

Within each directory, the program expects files to be named in a specific way. The program will attempt to read a file named for the component it is looking for. If the file does not exist, it will set that component to zero. It is therefore important that files should be named correctly. Note also that on some systems file names are case sensitive. The program will always use lower case in looking for the files.

All files should contain a volume in acre-feet for the cell. Annual files should contain the annual total volume. Monthly files should contain the monthly total volume.

M&I pumping file should be named yyyy.mi where yyyy is the year. The pumping is distributed evenly throughout the year. The file should contain the net volume pumped for the year in acre feet and there is no associated return flow.

Agricultural pumping files should be named, where yyyy is the year and mm is the month. The month must be two digits, so a leading zero is required for January through September. The file should contain the monthly total volume pumped in acre-feet.

Groundwater and surface water return flow and recharge from canal leakage files should be named, and, respectively. Here yyyy is the year and mm is the month. The month must be two digits, so a leading zero is required for January through September. The file should contain the monthly total volume of recharge for each cell in acre-feet.

Groundwater, surface water and commingled irrigated acreage files should be named yyyy.agw, yyyy.asw and, respectively, where yyyy is the year. The file should contain the number of acres per cell.

When a file is missing, the volume or area is set to zero for that year or month.


When the BIN is specified, all input files in the directories specified on the DIR command will be read as binary files.

RECHARGE RechargeFile | PrecipFile GroundwaterFile SurfacewaterFile CanalFile

The RECHARGE command is used to set the recharge output file or files.

When a single recharge file name is specified, the precipitation, groundwater return flow, surface water return flow and canal leakage recharges are summed and written to the file. When four file names are specified, these components are each written to a different file. A special version of MODFLOW-2000 that allows multiple components of recharge to be read can then be used. However, the predicted results remain the same.

The recharge for each stress period is written to the file using the MODFLOW-2000 U2DREL format. The value shown for each cell is in inches over the period. The U2DREL multiplier is set to convert the inches of the period value to feet per second as required by MODFLOW-2000.

WELL WellFile

The WELL command is used to set the well pumping output file. The M&I and agricultural pumping are summed together. However, note that the agricultural pumping is a net pumping with a corresponding return flow component in the recharge package, while the M&I pumping is net pumping.

Pumping values are converted to cfs as required by MODFLOW-2000. Only one value per cell appears and cells with no pumping are omitted.


The NOPUMP command is used to suppress pumping within a state for the impact analysis. The command must be followed by CO, KS or NE, to suppress pumping in Colorado, Kansas or Nebraska.

When the NOPUMP option is selected for a state, all M&I pumping and agricultural pumping for that state are set to zero. The corresponding recharge from groundwater pumping is also set to zero, as is the groundwater irrigated acres in the precipitation recharge calculations. For commingled irrigation, only the groundwater pumping and associated groundwater component of recharge is set to zero. The commingled acreage remains as irrigated acreage because the surface water component is still active.

MOUND MoundFlagFile

The MOUND command is used to evaluate the impact of surface water imports in Nebraska. The MOUND command must be followed by the name of the mound flag file. For runs from 2001 onwards, this file, ../data0/moundarea.flg, should be used.

The mound flag file starts with a header line defining the name of the mound area. The rest of the file consist of rows corresponding to model cells, with a 1 signifying a cell in the mound area, and a 0 anything else. The file is read using the FORTRAN format (999I1).

When this option is selected, all surface water returns and canal leakage in cells inside the mound area are set to zero. The corresponding surface water irrigated acreage is also set to zero in the precipitation recharge calculations. For commingled irrigation, only the surface water recharge component is set to zero. The commingled acreage remains as irrigated acreage because the groundwater component is still active.


When the APPEND command is specified, the recharge and well package output files are appended to, rather than overwritten. This feature can be used to generate recharge and well packages that are the combination of different runs of the program, possibly including changes to the input parameters controlling the precipitation recharge calculations for different periods.

STEADY StartYear EndYear SteadyStateFactor

The STEADY command is used to produce a steady state stress period. The STEADY command must be followed by a starting and ending year, and a steady state precipitation recharge multiplier. The precipitation recharge for each of these years is calculated and averaged, and then multiplied by the steady state precipitation recharge multiplier. The result is the precipitation recharge for the steady state stress period.

M&I and agricultural pumping for the steady state period may be specified by placing files named steady.mi and steady.pmp in the appropriate state directories. Similarly, groundwater and surface water return flows and canal leakage may be specified in steady.rcg, steady.rcs and steady.rcc. The groundwater, surface water and commingled acreage should be specified in steady.agw, steady.asw and

In the V12p7 model simulations the steady state corresponds to a pre-development period and no irrigated lands, pumping, return flow or canal leakage were simulated. The years 1918 to 1940 were used to calculate precipitation recharge with a steady state precipitation recharge factor of 0.75.

TRANSIENT StartYear EndYear

The TRANSIENT command is used to set the period for transient output. If a STEADY command is also used, the transient period follows the steady state period. For runs from 2001 onward, only a transient period is used.

The program produces output files for all years from the first to the last year, and for twelve calendar months stress period.

Note that the directories indicated by the DIR command may contain input files that cover a much larger period than requested for output.


The IBOUND command is used to select the active model domain. The file referenced should always be the MODFLOW-2000 IBOUND file ../static/02.ibound. The file is always read using a FORTRAN format of (999I2).

STATIONS LocationFile PrecipitationFile Drift

The STATIONS command is used to define the precipitation station locations and amounts used to calculate the annual precipitation in each cell. The STATIONS command should be followed by the name of a location file, a precipitation file and a drift value.

The location file for the RRCA groundwater model is ../data/loc.dat. The location file starts with a header line that is ignored. Thereafter each line contains a station name, x and y coordinates. Station names consist if the letter C followed by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Cooperative Summary of the Day (CSOD) station identifier. The identifier consists of a two digit FIPS state identifier (Colorado=05, Kansas=14 and Nebraska=25) and a four digit identifier for each station. The x and y values should be in model coordinates. The rest of the line is ignored, and may contain the station description for diagnostic purposes, but is ignored by the program.

The precipitation file for the RRCA groundwater model is ../data/ppt.dat. The first line is a header line identifying the station for each column. The first column is the year. Subsequent columns should be the stations in the same order as they appear in the location file. An error is flagged if the order of the stations in the precipitation file do not correspond to the order in the locations file.

Each subsequent line in the precipitation file should contain the year and the total inches of precipitation in that calendar year at the station. The file should contain entries for at least those years requested on the STEADY and TRANSIENT commands, but extra years are allowed. However, only those stations actually used are allowed. The ../data/ppt.dat file contains data for 34 stations from 1918 to present day.

Annual precipitation at each cell is calculated by linear kriging of the annual precipitation at individual stations. The drift specified on the STATIONS command allows a regional trend to be assumed for the data. As precipitation increases from west to east across the domain, linear drift (a value of 1) is used for calculating precipitation in the RRCA groundwater model.

The cell by cell annual precipitation forms the basis for subsequent precipitation recharge calculations.

SOIL SoilFlagFile

The SOIL command is used to set the dominant soil type in each model cell. The soil type is an integer from 1 to 9, with zero indicating the inactive part of the domain.

The SOIL command must be followed by a file name. For runs from 2001 on, the file name should be ../data0/soil.12o. The file consist of a header line naming the soils. For 2001 on the soil types are Coarse/Sand, Medium/Loam, Fine/Clay, Alluvium X and Alluvium Y, with corresponding integer flags 1 through 5.

The file is always read using a FORTRAN format of (999I1).

The soil types are used when calculating precipitation recharge. The soil type in each cell determines which curve on the FUNCTION command will be applied to the cell.

The SOIL command must appear before the FUNCTION command as it sets the number of soil types to be read on the FUNCTION command.

FUNCTION OutputFile SplineType

The FUNCTION command is used to set the precipitation recharge curves used to calculate precipitation recharge based on soil type and whether the land is irrigated or not.

The FUNCTION command must be followed by the name of an output file to which the curves will be written for plotting and further analysis.

The precipitation recharge curves are specified at discrete precipitation values. The last parameter on the FUNCTION command should be the number 1 or 2, indicating whether to use linear interpolation (1) or a quadratic spline (2) to interpolate between values.

Following the FUNCTION command should be a group of lines defining the curves. Every line should start with a precipitation amount in inches, followed by a pair of values for each soil type. In each pair, the first value should be the amount of precipitation recharge on non-irrigated land, and the second value should be the amount of precipitation recharge on irrigated land. The order in which the curves appear should match the sequence in the soil flag file.

Lines following the FUNCTION command up until the first blank line are considered data lines containing precipitation recharge curve entries.

From the cell by cell annual precipitation defined by the STATIONS command and the soil type defined by the SOIL command, the precipitation recharge is calculated for irrigated and non-irrigated lands based on these precipitation recharge curves. The cell average precipitation recharge is then calculated based on the total irrigated acreage in the cell, defined as the sum of the groundwater, surface water and commingled irrigate acreage.

TERRAIN TerainFlagsFile TerrainMultiplierFile TerrainPlotFile [LIMIT min max]

The TERRAIN command is used to specify a spatial multiplier used to adjust the precipitation recharge calculate from the precipitation recharge curves. The spatial multiplier accounts for spatial differences in precipitation recharge that are not due to precipitation rate and soil type.

The TERRAIN command should be followed by a terrain flag file. The terrain flag file consist of a header line defining the terrain types as a list of terrain names. Each subsequent line defines the terrain flag for each cell as integers 1 to 9, corresponding to the definitions on the header line. A flag of 0 indicates no terrain flag. For 2001 on, the terrain flag file is ../data0/terrain.flg. It defines a single terrain type for the entire domain, except for alluvia which have no terrain type.

The next parameter on the TERRAIN command is the terrain multiplier file. This file defines a set of locations, one per line. The first two values per line are an (x,y) location in model coordinates. This is followed by a sequence of terrain multiplier values, one per terrain type. The rest of the line is ignored and is typically used to identify the points for diagnostic purposes.

The spatial multipliers are kriged from the point values specified to a cell by cell value. The spatial multiplier for a cell is set depending on the terrain type specified in the terrain flag file. When no terrain flag is set, a spatial multiplier of one is used.

The resulting spatial multipliers are written to the terrain plot file, which is the next parameter on the TERRAIN command. When this file name is followed by the LIMIT parameter, a minimum and maximum value is read. The spatial multiplier is then limited to the range specified.

The spatial multipliers are applied to the precipitation recharge calculated using the precipitation recharge curves.

For V12p7 and subsequent simulations, the spatial multiplier is one everywhere except in an area of Phelps and Kearney counties, Nebraska where it is up to 1.5.


The BUDGET command is used to calculate the total precipitation recharge by areas specified in a flag file. The BUDGET command must be followed by a file name. Runs from 2001 on use the file ../data/states.flg to calculate the budget on a state by state basis.

The flag file consist of a header line defining the names of the areas. This is followed by one line per row of model cells of integers 1 to 9, with 0 indicating an area to to include in the budget. The budget is computed for each named area (state).

MONTH ListOfMonthlyPrecipitationFactors

The MONTH command is used to distribute calendar year annual precipitation recharge to calendar months. The precipitation calculations are done on an annual basis. The resulting annual precipitation recharge is then distributed to individual months.

The MONTH command must be followed by twelve values representing the fraction of the annual total that is distributed to the corresponding month from January to December. The values must sum to one.

XFACTOR Year Filename

The XFACTOR is an archaic feature in the program. It is used to make changes to the surface and groundwater return flows for diagnostic purposes.

The XFACTOR command must be followed by a year. The XFACTOR is applied for all years after this year.

The next parameter is a file name from which a multiplier is read. The surface and ground water return flows are multiplied by the cell by cell values read fro this file. The first line in the file is a comment. Subsequent lines contains the multipliers in free format, each row starting on a new line.

This feature is obsolete and should not be used in RRCA model simulations.

Example: Historical Simulation 2002

The following data shows the input file for a 2002 simulation of historical conditions. Using the standard naming convention, output is to the files 2002.rch and 2002.wel.

The TERRAIN, SOIL, FUNCTION and MONTH parameters were established during calibration and should not be changed. The precipitation data specified on the STATIONS command contain data from 1918 to present day.

State by state data are contained in subdirectories co, ks and ne. The files in these directories could cover more than just 2002, and would be prepared by various pre-processors.

# Input files
DIR co ks ne
FILE ppt ppt irr rcp

# Output files
RECHARGE  2002.rch
WELL      2002.wel

# Limit to active cells
IBOUND ../static/02.ibound

# Precip stations, totals, and drift
STATIONS ../data/loc.dat ../data/ppt.dat 1

# Soil flags
SOIL ../data0/soil.12o

# Recharge function by soil
FUNCTION  /dev/null  1
#    Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr
 0   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
 3   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
10   0.190  0.690   0.000  0.500   0.000  0.500   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
12   0.380  0.980   0.000  0.600   0.000  0.600   0.000  0.000   0.135  0.162
13   0.500  1.150   0.000  0.650   0.000  0.650   0.000  0.000   0.203  0.243
14   0.690  1.390   0.080  0.780   0.000  0.700   0.000  0.000   0.270  0.324
15   0.940  1.690   0.160  0.910   0.000  0.750   0.000  0.000   0.338  0.405
16   1.320  2.120   0.240  1.040   0.050  0.850   0.000  0.000   0.405  0.486
17   1.740  2.590   0.320  1.170   0.100  0.950   0.000  0.000   0.473  0.567
18   2.150  3.050   0.400  1.300   0.150  1.050   0.000  0.000   0.540  0.648
19   2.520  3.470   0.480  1.430   0.200  1.150   0.400  0.420   0.760  0.912
20   2.880  3.880   0.750  1.750   0.250  1.250   0.800  0.840   0.980  1.176
21   3.250  4.300   1.100  2.150   0.300  1.350   1.200  1.260   1.200  1.440
22   3.630  4.730   1.500  2.600   0.350  1.450   1.600  1.680   1.420  1.704
24   4.440  5.640   2.250  3.450   0.530  1.730   2.400  2.520   1.860  2.232
26   5.270  6.570   3.050  4.350   0.780  2.080   3.600  3.780   2.560  3.072
28   6.100  7.500   3.850  5.250   1.040  2.440   4.800  5.040   3.260  3.912
30   7.000  8.500   4.650  6.150   1.300  2.800   6.000  6.300   3.960  4.752
36  10.100 11.900   7.050  8.850   2.070  3.870  14.400 15.120   5.832  6.998
40  12.300 14.300   8.650 10.650   2.600  4.600  17.600 18.480   7.248  8.697
50  17.900 19.900  12.650 14.650   3.870  5.870  26.500 27.825  10.900 13.080
60  23.000 25.000  16.650 18.650   5.200  7.200  39.000 40.950  15.000 18.000

#  Terrain
TERRAIN ../data0/terrain.flg ../data0/terrain.12p /dev/null LIMIT 1.0 1.5

#        Jan      Feb   Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec
MONTH  0.0262  0.0224  0.0566  0.1033  0.1716  0.1586  0.1624  0.1184  0.0736  0.0514  0.0334  0.0221

# Annual budget by state
BUDGET ../data0/states.flg

# Output
TRANSIENT 2002 2002

Example: Colorado Pumping Impact Simulation 2002

The following data shows the input file for a 2002 simulation in which Colorado pumping is suppressed for impact analysis. This is indicated by the NOPUMP CO command. Using the standard naming convention, output is to the files 2002a.rch and 2002a.wel.

Note that this parameter file is identical to the example above, except that the FILE command which saves precipitation recharge diagnostic values to the ppt directory is replaced by the NOPUMP command, and that the output files are renamed.

# Input files
DIR co ks ne

# Output files
RECHARGE  2002a.rch
WELL      2002a.wel

# Limit to active cells
IBOUND ../static/02.ibound

# Precip stations, totals, and drift
STATIONS ../data/loc.dat ../data/ppt.dat 1

# Soil flags
SOIL ../data0/soil.12o

# Recharge function by soil
FUNCTION  /dev/null  1
#    Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr     Non    Irr
 0   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
 3   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.150   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
10   0.190  0.690   0.000  0.500   0.000  0.500   0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000
12   0.380  0.980   0.000  0.600   0.000  0.600   0.000  0.000   0.135  0.162
13   0.500  1.150   0.000  0.650   0.000  0.650   0.000  0.000   0.203  0.243
14   0.690  1.390   0.080  0.780   0.000  0.700   0.000  0.000   0.270  0.324
15   0.940  1.690   0.160  0.910   0.000  0.750   0.000  0.000   0.338  0.405
16   1.320  2.120   0.240  1.040   0.050  0.850   0.000  0.000   0.405  0.486
17   1.740  2.590   0.320  1.170   0.100  0.950   0.000  0.000   0.473  0.567
18   2.150  3.050   0.400  1.300   0.150  1.050   0.000  0.000   0.540  0.648
19   2.520  3.470   0.480  1.430   0.200  1.150   0.400  0.420   0.760  0.912
20   2.880  3.880   0.750  1.750   0.250  1.250   0.800  0.840   0.980  1.176
21   3.250  4.300   1.100  2.150   0.300  1.350   1.200  1.260   1.200  1.440
22   3.630  4.730   1.500  2.600   0.350  1.450   1.600  1.680   1.420  1.704
24   4.440  5.640   2.250  3.450   0.530  1.730   2.400  2.520   1.860  2.232
26   5.270  6.570   3.050  4.350   0.780  2.080   3.600  3.780   2.560  3.072
28   6.100  7.500   3.850  5.250   1.040  2.440   4.800  5.040   3.260  3.912
30   7.000  8.500   4.650  6.150   1.300  2.800   6.000  6.300   3.960  4.752
36  10.100 11.900   7.050  8.850   2.070  3.870  14.400 15.120   5.832  6.998
40  12.300 14.300   8.650 10.650   2.600  4.600  17.600 18.480   7.248  8.697
50  17.900 19.900  12.650 14.650   3.870  5.870  26.500 27.825  10.900 13.080
60  23.000 25.000  16.650 18.650   5.200  7.200  39.000 40.950  15.000 18.000

#  Terrain
TERRAIN ../data0/terrain.flg ../data0/terrain.12p /dev/null LIMIT 1.0 1.5

#        Jan      Feb   Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec
MONTH  0.0262  0.0224  0.0566  0.1033  0.1716  0.1586  0.1624  0.1184  0.0736  0.0514  0.0334  0.0221

# Annual budget by state
BUDGET ../data0/states.flg

# Output
TRANSIENT 2002 2002

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