Make Annual Precipitation (mkppt)

The mkppt program is used to extract annual precipitation data from TD3220 data sets.

The annual precipitation is used to calculate recharge from precipitation in the RRCA Groundwater Model. The program writes the annual precipitation in a format that can be directly appended to the annual precipitation file.

Principles of Operation

The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) TD3220 Cooperative Summary of the Month (CSOM) data set contains monthly summaries of precipitation and an annual total precipitation, among other things. The TD3220 data set undergoes extensive quality control and is the best source for monthly and annual precipitation data.

The mkppt program extracts total precipitation records from the TD3220 data set. These records are labeled TPCP and contain the monthly precipitation for each month (months 1-12) and annual precipitation (month 13). When an annual precipitation value is reported, the program selects that value. Otherwise, the program will sum the monthly values to obtain the annual precipitation.

The program extracts the precipitation records from the full data set for the following stations.
050109Akron 4 E Colorado
051121Burlington Colorado
051564Cheyenne Wells Colorado
054082Holyoke Colorado
054413Julesburg Colorado
059243Wray Colorado
141179Burr Oak 1 N Kansas
141699Colby 1SW Kansas
143527Hays 1 S Kansas
143837Hoxie Kansas
145363Minneapolis Kansas
145856Norton 9 SSE Kansas
145906Oberlin1 E Kansas
146374Phillipsburg 1 SSEKansas
147093Saint Francis Kansas
148495Wakeeny Kansas
250640Beaver City Nebraska
250810Bertrand Nebraska
252065Culbertson Nebraska
252690Elwood 8 S Nebraska
253365Gothenburg Nebraska
253735Hebron Nebraska
253910Holdredge Nebraska
254110Imperial Nebraska
255090Madrid Nebraska
255310McCook Nebraska
255565Minden Nebraska
256480Palisade Nebraska
256585Paxton Nebraska
257070Red Cloud Nebraska
258255Stratton Nebraska
258320Superior Nebraska
258735Upland Nebraska
259020Wauneta 3 NW Nebraska

Command Reference

The program is run as mkppt with a list of one or more years as arguments. The program will extract data for those years.

The program reads the TD3220 data from the file TD3220. This file contains final and provisional data. The provisional TD3220 data are derived from TD3200 daily data, and is to be used only for preliminary model runs. The final RRCA accounting runs should be run only with the final TD3220 data.

The program writes the annual precipitation to the screen. The output can be redirected to a file as needed. The output consists of one line of values per year, sorted in order of the station identifiers.

Example: Precipitation data for 2001 through 2003

This example shows the mkppt program being used to extract the annual precipitation for 2001, 2002 and 2003 and append it to the file ../data/ppt.dat.
mkppt 2001 2002 2003 >> ../data/ppt.dat

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