Concatenate Impact Tables (cattab)

The cattab program is used to concatenate individual HTML tables produced by the accounting program acct and produce a single merged table.

The program reads the individual impact tables listed on the command line, and outputs the merged table to the screen. The output can be directed to a file as needed.

Principles of Operation

The cattab program operates only on tables produced by the acct program. For each of the files listed on the command line, cattab extracts the pumping impacts for Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska and the Nebraska mound impact for each sub-basin.

The program then writes a single HTML table consisting of all the results from all the files, merged into a single table.

Command Reference

Input files are listed on the command line. Each input may consist of a file name, or a file name followed by a qualifier. The file name and qualifier is separated by a colon. The first qualifier is used as a title for the contents of that file. If no qualifier is given, the file name is used instead. The second qualifier can be used to set the background color for items from this file. If a second qualifier is not specified, the background color is white.

-t title

The title for the merged table can be specified using the -t option. When the title contains embedded spaces, it must be quoted.


The -m (merge) flag is used to reorder the output columns. By default, the cattab program concatenates the output. That is, the first column is the sub-basin name, followed by the four impacts from the first data file, then the for impacts from the second data file, and so on. When the -m flag is specified, the columns for each of the four impacts are merged. Therefore, following the column with the sub-basin names, the Colorado pumping impacts will appear with one column each for each of the data files, followed by the Kansas pumping impacts, once column for each of the data files, and so on.

Example: Concatenate 2001 to 2003 impacts

The impacts in ../2001/2001.htm, ../2002/2002.htm and ../2003/2003.htm are concatenated in the file 200x.htm. The output is shown here. Note that the main title is taken from the first table and may not be appropriate.
cattab ../2001/2001.htm ../2002/2002.htm ../2003/2003.htm > 200x.htm

Example: Concatenate with titles

This example adds the main title Impacts 2001-2003 (acre-feet) to the table and labels the groups 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The output is shown here.
cattab -t 'Impacts 2001-2003 (acre-feet)' ../2001/2001.htm:2001 ../2002/2002.htm:2002 ../2003/2003.htm:2003 > 200x.htm

Example: Merge Tables

This example reorders the results from the previous example so that the three years appear next to each other for impact scenario. The output is shown here. Note that default colors are added when tables are merged.
cattab -m -t 'Impacts 2001-2003 (acre-feet)' ../2001/2001.htm:2001 ../2002/2002.htm:2002 ../2003/2003.htm:2003 > 200x.htm

Example: Concatenate with colors

This example concatenates the impacts and shows each year with a different color background. The output is shown here.
cattab -t 'Impacts 2001-2003 (acre-feet)' ../2001/2001.htm:2001:yellow ../2002/2002.htm:2002:cyan ../2003/2003.htm:2003:lightgreen > 200x.htm

Example: Concatenate and merge with colors

This example concatenates the impacts and shows each year with a different color background but merged. The output is shown here.
cattab -m -t 'Impacts 2001-2003 (acre-feet)' ../2001/2001.htm:2001:yellow ../2002/2002.htm:2002:cyan ../2003/2003.htm:2003:lightgreen > 200x.htm

Concatenate 2001 to 2003 impacts
Concatenate with titles
Merge Tables
Concatenate with colors
Concatenate and merge with colors
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Model Units
Directory Structure
Static Files
Precipitation Data Entry
Colorado Data Entry
ET Data Entry
Stream Data Entry
Kansas Data Entry
Nebraska Data Entry
Running the Model