Kansas Surface Water Pre-Processor (swrechv2)

The swrechv2 program was developed by Kansas to generate surface water return flow files for the State of Kansas from 2001 on.

During the model development, Kansas estimated surface water return flows on a ditch by ditch basis, which was then distributed to model cells using the mksw program. From 2001 onwards, the swrechv2 program was developed to process these data to model cells.

The swrechv2 program takes a year as the argument on the command line. It then reads files appropriate to that year from the ../data/ks/sw directory and produces output in the ks subdirectory.

For the year YYYY, the program reads the following input files:

Note that the file ../data/ks/40coords.dat also does not change from year to year and is shared with pumprechv5.

Surface water return flows are saved to ks/YYYY.MM.rcs. The surface water irrigated acreage is saved in ks/YYYY.asw. These files are read by rrpp to produce the MODFLOW-2000 input files.

As the program processes the data, various statistics for quality control and other information such as locations on the edge or outside the model grid are written to the files ks/checkYYYY.out and ks/outputYYYY.dat. In addition, the total surface water return for the year and the surface water acreage for each model cell are written to two files, ks/swretgridYYYY.dat for return flows and swacresgridYYYY.dat for reported acreage. These files contain the model grid cell x and y coordinate followed by the amount of return flow in acre feet or the reported acreage in acres.

Principles of Operation

Surface water diversion and reported acreage data are read from ../data/ks/sw/swrechYYYY.dat, the surface water return flows are computed based on system type specified, and then surface water returns and reported acreage are accumulated by overlap group. Surface water return flows are computed based on system type specification. A check is made to determine whether the overlap group has authorized acreage. The reported acreage and the surface water returns associated with overlap groups that do not have authorized acreage are accumulated for later output. The file containing authorized acreage by overlap group (../data/ks/sw/authacresYYYY.txt) is then read to assign surface return flows and reported acreage to model cells. The location for assigning the return flow and reported acreage is determined from the coordinate data for the particular 40-acre tract. The amount of return flow and reported acreage assigned to a particular tract is prorated based on the amount of authorized acreage for the particular 40-acre tract divided by the total authorized acreage for the overlap particular group. The prorated return flow and reported acreage are assigned to model cells based on the location of the 40-acre tract.

Input File Descriptions


Return flow factors for different system types is read from the file ../data/ks/sw/swrech.par. This first line in this file sets the number of system types (9). Subsequent lines specify the values for each of the following types:

TypeDescriptionReturn Flow Factor
0Undefined 25%
1Gravity 30%
2Drip 0%
3Sprinkler (without drops)17%
4Sprinkler (with drops) 12%
5Other sprinkler 17%
6Center pivot and flood 17%
7Drop and other system(s) 0%
8Other 17%


Monthly pumping distribution factors by county are read from the file ../data/ks/sw/monthlyfactorsbycountyYYYY.txt. This file includes a listing of county numbers followed by factors for months 5 through 10 (May through October). The cell-to-county mapping in ../data0/cty.flg is used to define the counties.


Authorized acreage by overlap group are read from the file ../data/ks/sw/authacresYYYY.txt. Each line in the file defines one overlap group. The values on the line are:
  1. Overlap group number;
  2. Township;
  3. Range;
  4. Section;
  5. 40 acre tract ID (i.e.g quarter-quarter section; numbered 1-16);
  6. Authorized acreage within the 40 acre tract.


Surface water diversion and acreage data are read from the file ../data/ks/sw/swrechYYYY.dat. Each line in the file defines one overlap group. The values on the line are:
  1. Overlap group number;
  2. Point of diversion number (PDIV_ID);
  3. Diversion amount for year in acre-feet;
  4. Reported acreage in acres;
  5. System type (as defined in swrech.par).


The coordinates for 40-acre tracts (in model coordinates) are read from the file ../data/ks/40coords.dat. Each line in the file defines one 40-acre tract. The values on the line are:
  1. Township;
  2. Range;
  3. Section;
  4. 40 Acre tract ID;
  5. X coordinate;
  6. Y coordinate.

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